
In our work, 167 individuals from the Late Avar Period cemetery of Kehida-Fövenyes (8–9th century) were analysed. Altogether 65 children, 36 males and 50 females were examined, however in the case of 16 adults the sex determination was not possible. The newborn age group (0–1 year) is underrepresented in the cemetery. A biological imbalance can be observed between the ratio of males and females. According to the demographic data and pathological changes related to lifestyle and haematological aetiology, sex difference can be seen in the case of adult individuals. Females possessed a higher value of probability of death in almost every age group, and they also were more often affected by haematological disorders than males. The aforementioned phenomena can be related to the fact that women had to deal with physiological and pathophysiological stress originated from pregnancy and menstruation. During the taxonomical analysis, no individuals with clear Mongolid ancestry were identified. However, many skulls determined as Europid ancestry possesses Mongolid traits. The population is mostly characterized by dolichokran skull as Cromagnoid-A and Mediterranean were the most common types. Based on craniometric measurements it was possible to compare the population of Kehida-Fövenyes to other communities from this region what can shed a light of their biological relations. According to the biodistance calculations, males and females might share a different origin, since females showed a closer relation to the Early Avar Period population of the region. While males were rather connected to the Late Avar Period population of present-day Somogy county. During paleopathological investigations, a possible case of leprosy was identified based on the morphological alterations. In more cases paleoradiological investigations were also performed to provide a more reliable diagnosis.

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