
During the past ten years the writer, assisted by Mary Louise Perry, Berta B. Kessel and Jacqueline Schonewald, has been keeping bats in captivity for purposes of study. As a result, certain techniques have been developed which may be of use to others who find it necessary to maintain these animals for research. Several hundred bats representing 12 species were kept for periods varying from months to years. The species involved were: little brown myotis ( Myotis lucifugus ), Yuma myotis ( M. yumanensis ), fringed myotis ( M. thysanodes ), Indiana myotis ( M. sodalis ), California myotis ( M. californicus ), Mexican fish-eating bat ( Pizonyx vivesi ), big brown bat ( Eptesicus fuscus ), red bat ( Lasiurus borealis ), hoary bat ( L. cinereus ), western lump-nosed bat ( Corynorhinus rafinesquii ), pallid bat ( Antrozous pallidus ) and Mexican free-tail bat ( Tadarida mexicana ). All individuals except those belonging to two species were secured in northern or central California. The Indiana myotis were captured by Wayne H. Davis in West Virginia and the fish-eating bats by Prentice Bloedel near Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. Field methods .—Before discussing the care of bats in the laboratory a few suggestions might be in order regarding the capture of these animals in the field for live study. Considerable care should be exerted to avoid injuring bats at such times. Although they are rather hardy creatures, an injured individual has less chance of survival than one that has not been hurt. Most bat collectors make use of long-handled insect nets and long forceps (10–12 inches) for catching bats in daytime roosts. Dexterity in the use of both these tools is a great advantage. The net should not be used as a fly swatter to produce concussion which may ultimately cause death nor should forceps be used in such a way as to tear flight membranes or cause dislocations. Another method of collecting bats involves …

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