
The purpose of this study is to describe an increase in the learning activities of economic education through Social Sciences Class 4 of SMAN 8 Pandeglang 2016. The method used in this study is a classroom action research method. The results of the study show that through the Strategy of Giving Learning and Recitation assignments can increase the activity and the ability to understand the material of education in economics especially about the Theory of Economic Development. Learning activities from cycle I to cycle II have increased understanding of the theory of economic development (average value increased 1.1; percentage increase up to 21.8%; from good category to very good), aspects of understanding the theory of economic development in Indonesia (mean value average increase up to 0.7; percentage increase up to 14.8%; from the good category it become very good); aspects of the theory of experts on economic development (average value increased 0.7; percentage increase up to 15.7%; from good category to very good), and practice aspects of behavior that reflected faith To the end (average value rise 0, 9; the percentage increased by 18.3%; from the good category it became very good). Student learning outcomes from the initial conditions to the second cycle experienced an increase, namely from 7 students (30%) who received complete grades to 27 students (100%). There was an increase of 20 students (70%) and the class average value from 60.2 to 85.0, increasing up to 24.8.

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