
Early childhood Islamic education is a strategic source of energy for the initial steps to improve awareness of education in society. The roles and functions of early childhood Islamic education institutions are summarized in two fields of work, namely as a da'wah institution and as an academic institution. The existence of these educational institutions in the Islamic world is in a weak position, unable to compete with Islamic early childhood education institutions in the Western world which are far more advanced and strong in facing the challenges of the global world. The arrangement and strengthening of these two fields actually determines the existence of the performance competition in early childhood Islamic education institutions. Improvement and renewal in early childhood Islamic education institutions in Indonesia, starting from the integration of academic content to innovation in the area of institutional management. The analysis technique in this research is content analysis technique. This technique is directed to three areas of use, namely phenomenological reduction, methodological reduction and transcendental reduction. Keywords: Early childhood Islamic education, Global Era, Integration, Innovation

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