
Culture and local tradition, a representation of local knowledge or local wisdom serve as a means of cultural accommodation to maintain the harmonious environment situation, including social relationships of cross-religious life and even across cultures. One of the local wisdom values in community is the ritual Nyadran tradition. This study is intended to reveal how the Nyadran tradition can accommodate cross-religious relationships in the Kayen village, Jemangi- Boyolali. This research uses qualitative approach. The important research findings are that Nyadran tradition can be an expression of social piety through the practice of mutual cooperation, solidarity, and togetherness. Nyadran can be a medium of accommodation and building harmony among people, especially in plural and multicultural community. The tradition in Kayen village with its various procedures has been able to develop the primordial ties of its community in a group that share the same views and beliefs despite their different religions and beliefs.


  • Pemerintah telah berupaya meningkatkan pelayanan perkawinan, di antaranya melalui Peraturan pemerintah nomor 48 tahun 2014 dan Peraturan Menteri Agama nomor 24 tahun 2014 yang keduanya berkaitan dengan biaya nikah dan rujuk

  • The government has tried to improve marriage services, among others through Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) No 48/2014 and Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs (Peraturan Menteri Agama) No.24/2014 which both related to the cost of marriage and reconciliation

  • The important findings of this study show that 1) the rules related to the costs of marriage are not yet fully socialized to the community; 2) response of KUA resources is good enough but not supported by adequate marriage facilities; 3) the community tradition in the marriage must be renegotiated by KUA officers to not violate the rules while still respecting the existing traditions

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A Study Of Islamic Eschatology In Syair Ibarat And Khabar Kiamat

Eschatology is a doctrine of theology concerned with the end of the world or end times. Pembahasan mengenai kehidupan setelah mati masuk dalam eskatologi.Penelitian ini bermaksud mendeskripsikan isi Naskah Melayu Klasik yaitu Syair Ibarat dan Khabar Kiamat. Kajian mengenai konsep eskatologi dalam naskah Melayu Klasik yaitu Syair Ibarat dan Khabar Kiamat menjadi salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meyakinkan manusia mengenai kehidupan setelah. The research findings show that first, the media attention, Republika as an Islamic-based daily newspaper is fairly high in responding to the issue (47%), Kompas 29%, Suara Merdeka 15%, social media (facebook) 7%, and Jawa Pos 2%. Pertama perhatian media, Harian Republika sebagai harian berbasis Islam cukup tinggi dalam merespon isu tersebut, yakni 47%, Harian kompas 29%, Suara Merdeka 15%, media sosial (facebook) 7%, dan Jawa Pos 2%. Data media yang diambil adalah kolom tajuk rencana selama bulan Februari atau selama kampanye dari koran Republika dan koran Kompas. Local Wisdom Of Cross-Religious Nyadran Tradition At Kayen-Juwangi Village Of Boyolali

Tradisi Nyadran Lintas Agama Dusun Kayen
Tradisi Nyadran Kayen
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