
The Batak ethnic community consisting of the Batak Toba, Karo, Simalungun, Pakpak and Mandailing communities are North Tapanuli people who adhere to Christianity, Catholicism and Islam. The North Tapanuli people inhabit the Tarutung sub-district, Sipoholon sub-district, Siborong-borong district, Pahae Julu district. , Pahae Jae District, Sipahutar District, Pangaribuan District and Garoga District. . With a pluralistic community background consisting of various religions, the people of North Tapanuli can maintain tolerance between religious believers. It is proven that until now there has not been any conflict between religious groups. The purpose of this research is to examine how the North Tapanuli community builds tolerance between religious believers. In addition, what potential does North Tapanuli have that are used in building tolerance. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach by conducting observations and interviews and literature study is used in this study. The results of this study indicate that Dalihan Na Tolu as the Kinship System of the Batak community is the local wisdom of the North Tapanuli community. This kinship concerns kinship ties with blood ties (one offspring) and marital ties. Local keariophan has the potential to build tolerance between people. This study concludes that the people of North Tapanuli can build tolerance between religious believers because their local wisdom lives and develops in that community and is hereditary.

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