
Repong Damar in Pahmungan village, West Coast Regency is a Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park buffers, plays an important role a national preservation zone. Reptile is one of fauna in Pahmungan, the research had to be done because there wasn’t available data abaut reptiles. The research was conducted on June 2015, the aim of this study was to know the Biodiversity of Reptile Species in Repong Damar, Pahmungan village West Coast (University of Lampung permanent plot case study), The method in this research was used Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method. The result showed, there are 15 reptile species from 7 families (N=323) and biodiversity index H’= 2,008 which included as average category and Index of evennessJ’= 0,927 which included as stable. Reptile species often encountered was Tachydromus sexlineatus, Eutropis multifasciata, Dasia olivacea, Draco obscurus, Draco volans,Gecko geckoand Hemidactylus frenatus(n=72, 54, 42, 38, 28, 28,27). Keywords: reptile, repong damar, visual encounter survey

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