
Serangan Island was a costal area located in the Serangan village, South Denpasar district, near with Sanur and Nusa Dua tourism area. Serangan beach has a biodiversity such as natural macroalgae. This study was conducted in January 2017 at the seaweed cultivation area with the aims of research were to know the variety and density of macroalgae. The method used was a 1x1 m quadrat transect. Sampling was carried out during low tide. Macroalgae found in the area, consist of 12 species namely Ulva lactuca, Chaetomorpha linum. Chaetomorpha aera, Padina australis, Sargassum fluitans, Turbinaria ornate, Gelidium sp., Hypnea cornuta, Hypnea spicifera, Gracilaria salicornia, Acanthophora spicifera, Halimeda opuntia. Those species were belonging to 3 divisi namely Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta. The highest density of macroalgae was Padina australis while the lowest density was Chaetomorpha linum. Type of dominated macroalgae was from a group of Phaeophyta (brown algae) with highest dominance from the species of Padina australis. Water quality namely acidity (pH) was in the range of 7.54 to 7.75, salinity of 31.33-32.00 ppt, the water temperature was 26.50-27.30? C, which all was categorized as the optimal parameters for the growth of macroalgae. Assosiation of biota found were 9 species namely fish of larva, Cypraea lynx (Molusca), Emerita sp., Halodule sp., Synapta maculate, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea serrulata, Hermit crab, Ophiuroidea sp. The conditions coastal waters substrate was varied from white sand stone type to stony type by coral pieces.


  • Abstrak Pulau Serangan merupakan wilayah pesisir yang terletak di Kelurahan Serangan Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, yang berdekatan dengan kawasan wisata Sanur dan Nusa Dua

  • a costal area located in the Serangan village

  • This study was conducted in January 2017 at the seaweed cultivation area

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Potensi rumput laut di Bali tersebar di beberapa daerah meliputi perairan Nusa Penida Kabupaten Klungkung, Kabupaten Badung, Kabupaten Buleleng dan Kota Denpasar (Poeloengasih et al, 2014; Arthana et al, 2017). Keberhasilan pertumbuhan rumput laut alami sangat ditentukan oleh kondisi fisik serta kimia perairan. Faktor ekologi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rumput laut alami antara lain faktor fisika yaitu suhu, intensitas cahaya, kedalaman dan arus, faktor kimia meliputi salinitas, pH, dan nutrien, faktor biologi meliputi ikan herbivora serta kondisi rumput laut itu sendiri (Lyons et al, 2010; Yu et al, 2013; Gutow et al, 2016). Rumput laut alami mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan, karena adanya beberapa aktivitas yang meliputi aktivitas pariwisata, diving, snorkeling dan budidaya rumput laut (Silva et al, 2012). Beberapa industri pariwisata masih ada yang membuang limbah ke perairan, serta adanya aktivitas masyarakat yang membuang sampah sembarangan, menyebabkan pertumbuhan rumput laut alami menjadi tidak optimal (Moussiopoulos et al, 2010). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan kerapatan rumput laut alami, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekologi terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut alami

Metode Penelitian
Analisa Data
Keseragaman Rumput Laut
Hasil Identifikasi Spesies Rumput laut alami
Chaetomorpha aera
Indeks Ekologi
Nilai pH
Substrat Perairan
Biota Berasosiasi
Komposisi Jenis Rumput Laut Alami
Kerapatan Rumput Laut Alami
Parameter Kualitas Perairan
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