
Kazimierz Maria Krzyzanowski (13th of February 1893–15th June 1927) Krzyzanowski was the son of Stanislaw, who was a professor of history at Jagiellonian University, and Wanda, nee Studnicka. His younger brother, Witold, was a professor of political economy and dean of the Law Faculty at Jagiellonian University. After his matura exams at St. Anne’s gymnasium he began to study at the Law Faculty at Jagiellonian University. After graduation he went on to complete a doctoral degree. In the meantime, he spent one term listening to lectures at the University of Vienna. Following which he started to work as a volunteer apprentice in the National Bank of Poland. He also began an apprenticeship as a barrister. After the First World War he worked at the State Treasury Solicitors’ Office, first in Cracow, then in Vilnius. His work in public administration had its influence on Krzyzanowski’s academic interests. In 1924 he published Trybunal Kompetencyjny. Studium z zakresu polskiego prawa publicznego, which qualified him for UJ’s veniam legendi in 1925. At the same time, due principally to a shortage of scientific staff, a chair of administrative law at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius sat vacant. Krzyzanowski seemed to be the best candidate, but negotiations between the State Treasury Solicitors’ Office and the University were very long. Krzyzanowski was forced to give lectures as a substitute professor for several years, because the Ministry of Religion and Public Education didn’t permit him to be a titular professor. They treated his work at the University as being extraneous. Finally, on January 1, 1927 Krzyzanowski was reassigned to the State Treasury Solicitors’ Office in Vilnius and he also received permission to lecture at the University in Vilnius. Unfortunately, he died within a few months after a short illness. The paper contains a biography of Kazimierz Maria Krzyzanowski, along with an inventory of his scientific output.

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