
For a log scheme locally of finite type over $\mathbb{C}$, a natural candidate for its profinite homotopy type is the profinite completion of its Kato-Nakayama space. Alternatively, one may consider the profinite homotopy type of the underlying topological stack of its infinite root stack. Finally, for a log scheme not necessarily over $\mathbb{C}$, another natural candidate is the profinite \'etale homotopy type of its infinite root stack. We prove that, for a fine saturated log scheme locally of finite type over $\mathbb{C}$, these three notions agree. In particular, we construct a comparison map from the Kato-Nakayama space to the underlying topological stack of the infinite root stack, and prove that it induces an equivalence on profinite completions. In light of these results, we define the profinite homotopy type of a general fine saturated log scheme as the profinite \'etale homotopy type of its infinite root stack.

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