
doris davenport (KN's other daughter) (* Being only a Short Excerpt of an Epic Multi-Volume, Multiethnically Authored WIP) Like Slim Greer, (2) Katharine Newman went to Heaven. Of course she went to heaven, because she had signed up for her condo in heaven, soon after birth or else it was a birthright, but she did go to heaven. a--more or less--reliable source told me about her arrival. had a visitation, a few years ago (Dec. 9, 2001 at 10 PM EST, to be precise, in North Carolina, USA). It started like a phone call (land, not cell). The phone rang, glowed, levitated, and a voice came everywhere at once, sounded like Nina Simone (3) with a head cold which, at first, didn't notice as necessarily aberrant. was grading papers. After three hours of grading end of term Freshman compositions was hallucinatory (lack of oxygen to my brain; dying brain cells). just wondered which song it was-maybe Sugar in My Bowl. the tune changed; a louder, clearer voice said distinctly: Girl, this is Legba (4) calling and you know you hear me. Whoa. still tried to ignore him; we've chatted often; his transitional tricks and threats don't bother me excessively, but okay was a little nervous (you never know what he wants). Anyway, was tired and simply not in the mood to chat with Spirits. Neither Orishas or Loas. I SAAAID ... he started again. abruptly he was cut off by a chorus of voices, intensely whispering and chanting. Please. need your help. Advice About Doctor Katharine Newman. Your West Coast Momma. Please talk to Help us. Now that got my full attention, especially hearing Katharine's name. So listened. Here's what they said. Said they had tried to contact me before, also Blaze (a.k.a. Ruth) and Deborah, But you try reaching them, even in your world, one of them disgustedly said. You can guess, pro'lly, what happened. KN got there and started to--uh--totally exasperate (5) everybody, in a major way from the door. Good the be-winged and very pale gatekeeper said, as it met her at Heaven's gate. Kay just blinked, said nothing. Good morning, it repeated, thin lips barely moving, in a parsimoniously-friendly kind of way. We have been expecting you ..., it went on as it spread one huge gold-tipped white wing out toward Katharine, in an aborted hug. Now, Katharine stood leaning on a cane, slightly stooped as usual but suddenly she stood straight up and waved the cane above her head. DOCTOR Newman, to you, Kay said, as she elbowed that wing back, knocked a few feathers loose in the process. And what are you doing here, smirking at me? Where are you from? Who are you? Why are you so pale? You need to see Green Pastures! (6) As she stopped speaking, she slowly lowered the cane back to the cloud she stood on and resumed her li'l ole lady pose. (Plus, she'd noticed a few clumps of angels in the distance staring at her. KN always did like attention, but she preferred attention for her brain not for a brawl, thank you very much.) A bit relieved (that she lowered the cane and her back), but definitely alarmed and confused, the Gatekeeper nonetheless attempted to follow procedure as delineated in the WASP Handbook to Heavenly Treatment for Ornery Saints at the Front Gate (rev. Millennium ed.). It stepped back a bit; its plastic smile slipped, but it was determined to, by god, follow protocol. It also thought maybe it was working too hard and should get its angelic hearing and vision checked. Having no need to breathe, like vampires and similar entities, it nevertheless took what, it felt, was a deep breath, as it had observed humans do, when alive and under duress. On the out-breath, it continued. Yes, well, good Doctor Kay and welcome. Kay, meanwhile stood there looking around like something smelled or like she was looking for someone to go fetch her shawl. …

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