
ABSTRACT The Kaskattama No. 1 well, officially called Sogepet-Aquitaine-Kaskattama-Province No. 1, is on the west shore of Hudson Bay in the central Hudson Bay Lowland at latitude 57°1418.487 and longitude 9°1029.409. The well has penetrated a relatively thick (2913 ft) Phanerozoic section, including Devonian strata hitherto postulated as being present in Hudson Bay Basin (Nelson & Johnson, 1966). Three broad lithologic units exist, called Lower Carbonate unit, Middle Clastic unit, and Upper Carbonate unit. The Lower Carbonate unit is dominantly limestone and dolomite 2490 ft thick, resting on Precambrian crystallines. Fauna indicate that it contains temporal equivalents of the Late Ordovician Bad Cache Rapids and Churchill River groups, Early Silurian Port Nelson, and Middle Silurian Severn River, Ekwan River and Attawapiskat formations. The Middle Clastic unit is 653 ft thick and mainly red siltstone. It is completely unfossiliferous but tentatively equated with the Late? Silurian Kenogami River Formation. The Upper Carbonate unit is 400 ft of limestone correlated with the Middle Devonian Abitibi River Formation. Overlying strata are 23 ft of overburden referred to Pleistocene and Recent.

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