
A contemporary capitalism is late, corporative and global. It functions as a casino. Casino-capitalism is based on idea that one who keeps and turns roulette always wins. In this economic system, societies like Serbian, societies in the periphery of economic system, always lose. That is because casino-capitalism continually destroys its economic resources. Casino capitalism, especially, ruins labor force of societies from its periphery. The wealth of societies from the periphery could only be understood as potential profit the Empire. In the casino capitalism, there is no economic gain or gains for the societies from the periphery. During the process of transition, impoverishment of the society, continually and fastly increases. It is urgent, to establish a line of the defense from the casino capitalism. Examples of BRIKS, Iceland, Hungary, Greece shows that by strengthen national state you challenge the ideological hegemony of the casino capitalism. Also, in order to avoid the fate of countries of the Forth World, (world depraved of any hope) it is necessary that countries in transition decide to withdraw from the IMF and World Bank, instuitions based upon Breton -Woods Agreement in 1948.

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