
We studied the karyotype and chromosomal distribution of 18S rDNA clustered in nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in Nysiusgraminicola (Kolenati, 1845), belonging to the subfamily Orsillinae (Lygaeidae). It is shown that this species has a karyotype with 2n = 22(18+mm+XY), previously known in only one of 24 studied species of the genus Nysius Dallas, 1852, characterized by a similar karyotype, 2n = 14(12+mm+XY). In N.graminicola, 18S loci are located on sex chromosomes, which is a previously unknown trait for this genus. Our results in a compilation with previous data revealed dynamic evolution of rDNA distribution in Nysius. It is concluded that molecular chromosomal markers detected by FISH contribute to a better understanding of the structure and evolution of the taxonomically complex genus Nysius.

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