
The objective of this paper is to interpret, within the context of the defensive network, the manner of organization of the demoi (Tymnos, Thysannos, Hygassos, Phoinix, being in the first place), which are deemed to have completed their development process possibly beginning from the Late Classical-Early Hellenistic periods and attained maturi­ty in the course of the Rhodian suzerainty, in the Bozburun Peninsula which has a potential to contribute to the field of rural-regional archaeology. It was observed that the fortified areas, which were documented through the extensive surveys that were simultane­ously carried out with aerial archaeology applications and discussed with the help of GIS studies in 2009-2012, were designed as two types- in the administrative (Acropolises) and military aspect (entirely as defense oriented) and were determinant, respectively, on the demoi centers and territoriums. Notwithstanding, that both of the fortified patterns reveal the typical Carian architectural features and techniques have overtones that they could have been occupied in the earlier periods.

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