
Odontogenic tumor is a lesion originated from epithelium, ectomesenchymal, or mesenchymal component which still retain part of dental-forming element.A female 20 years old had complaint a mass in the oral cavity and obtructed nasal. Physical examination showed a mass on molar region of the left axillary bone. Diagnostic imaging by using OPG was suspected ameloblastoma, while CT scan concluded as a dentigerous cyst in left maxillary bone. Both of the lesions were cystic abnormalities, that sometimes very difcult to di?erentiate due to their similarity. Pathological fndings was clear cell odontogenic tumor or clear cell odontogenic carcinoma of tissue mass after resection had been conducted. This case report is proposed because there is a discordance from imaging examination in both OPG and CT Scan with the fnal histopathological examination. CCOC di?erential diagnosis will be outlined here so we can understand the feature of CCOC better in imaging examination to prevent misdiagnosis which can infere further treatment.

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