
Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: Lessons from a historical confrontation. In 1961, during the Congress of the German Society of Sociology, two great theoretical references of the XX century faced in a historical debate about the logic of the social sciences. In addition to methodological issues strict sense, the confrontation became known as a debate between positivism and dialectic. The article first deals with the theoretical trajectories of Popper and Adorno and the relation of their theories with their political and ideological certainties. On one hand, the trajectory of the Popperian epistemology is examined, its contributions and vigorous attacks on Marx in what he called 'poverty of historicism and false predictive Marxist world, and, on the other hand, the role of Adorno in the Frankfurt School, his criticism of totalitarianism and the defense of a critical emancipatory reason. The article also deals with the confrontation itself, the exposure of Popper's twenty-seven theses that culminate with the situation logic and the method of the economy as exemplary for the social sciences and Adorno's critical perspective of sociology and society as non-separable objects. In conclusion we show how the articulation of theory with the weltanschauung of each author helps to clarify the terms of the debate and how the confrontation contributed unequivocally to the dynamics of scientific progress and for the critical history of the ideas.


  • Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: Lessons from a historical confrontation

  • Finalmente, nas conclusões, mostramos como a articulação da teoria com a visão de mundo de cada autor é um importante elemento esclarecedor dos termos do debate

  • (1995b) “El principio de racionalidad”, in Miller, David (org.), Popper Escritos Selectos

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Angela Ganem*

Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: Lessons from a historical confrontation. In 1961, during the Congress of the German Society of Sociology, two great theoretical references of the XX century faced in a historical debate about the logic of the social sciences. O enfrentamento entre Popper e Adorno, o autor consagrado como o maior epistemólogo do século XX e um dos mais influentes autores da Escola de Frankfurt, guarda uma grande distância da possibilidade da boa conversação de MacCloskey. Pretende-se revelar quem são os dois autores/ atores desse debate, suas trajetórias teóricas e a relação que suas teorias guardam com suas convicções político-ideológicas. Situam-se as 27 teses de Popper, que culminam com a lógica situacional e o método da economia como exemplar para as ciências sociais. A maior lição que retiramos desse episódio é que o confronto, o debate corajoso das ideias, para além de deixar um lastro de interesse pelas obras e pela história dos autores, contribuiu de forma inequívoca para a dinâmica do progresso científico e para a história crítica das ideias

Os dois atores e suas trajetórias no conturbado século XX
Theodor Adorno e a Escola de Frankfurt
As teses de Popper
Referências Bibliográficas
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