
The Karelian Front hospital base consisting of 31 hospitals with the total number of beds equal to 13 700 was deployed in the Arkhangelsk region during the Great Patriotic War. Wounded and sick patients from the front hospitals of the Kola Peninsula were evacuated by railway, sea and air transport. The beds were specialized: trauma and surgical - 64.0 %, therapeutic and tuberculous - 22.8 %, ophthalmic and otorhinolaryngological - 13.2 %. Most hospitals were located in adapted office buildings and educational institutions. The load on one doctor was from 70 to 80 patients. Professors and assistants of the Archangelsk State Medical Institute worked as consultants. 68 860 of wounded and sick were treated during the war years. 48.5 % of the patients recovered and returned to duty, 19.8 % were discharged from the Army due to disability, 29.2 % were evacuated to hinterland hospitals. In-patient mortality was 2.54 %.

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