
Border tax adjustments that put into effect destination principle have recently been considered as a magic tool for addressing carbon leakage and international competition in carbon- taxing countries. The destination principle enables that the exporting country can refund all indirect taxes on exported products to exporters and that importing countries has the right to impose a charge on the importation of any product equivalent to an internal tax imposed on like domestic product. As a carbon tax is an emission tax, not a tax like value added tax, here the main question to answer if border carbon tax adjustments could be designed in a compatible way of World Trade Organisation (WTO).In the light of the examination of several core principles of the GATT (the General Aggreement on Tariffs and Trade) including the general non-discrimination principle and the general exceptions, it is possible to analyze the issue of border carbon tax adjustments are WTO-compatible or not. As a conclusion,it is difficult or impossible to say border carbon tax adjustment could be designed in a compatible way of GATT principles

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