
Abstract. Clinical symptoms of dengue virus (DENV) infection range from asymptomatic mild dengue fever(DF), more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) up to dengue shock syndrome. One of the determinantsof dengue infection severity was virus virulence. This study aimed to determine the clinical and virologicalcharacteristics of dengue virus infection patients based on the severity degree. A cross-sectional study wasconducted in RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek, Lampung Province between July-November 2016 with 56 denguepatients as samples selected using purposive sampling. The serological test was done using a rapiddiagnostic test. Blood samples for DENV serotype identification were examined using reverse-transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction. Classification of DENV infection severity was obtained from the patient’s medicalrecord. The results showed that the most common clinical manifestations were fever, headache, and retroorbitalpain, appearing in all patients from every degree of severity. There were Grade I DHF patients whoexperienced Myalgia (15.6%) and petechiae (22.2%). Laboratory results showed that thrombocytopeniaappeared in every grade, even though 13.3% of grade I patients did not experience it. Secondary infectionwas found in 92.9% of samples, and all DENV serotype can be detected in 39.2%samples: DENV-1 (46.7%),DENV-2 (6.7%), DENV-3 (26.7%), and DENV-4 (20%). This study concluded that the majority of clinicalcharacteristics in DHF patients are in line with the degree of severity, with the bleeding as the dominantmanifestation in patients with grade II-IV. Virological characteristics of DENV-1 are dominant in all patientswith DHF grade I-IV.Keywords: dengue virus, serotype, severity, secondary infection, Bandar Lampung

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