
Purple sweet potato is one type of tuber that is rich in carbohydrates in the form of starch and fiber. It also contains purple anthocyanin pigments. In this research, purple sweet potato was processed into flour and starch. Starch processing solid waste can be utilized by processing it into fiber flour. Purple sweet potato flour and fiber were then used as the basis for making biscuits at a ratio of 75: 25 and compared to biscuits made from 100% purple sweet potato flour and wheat flour. The resulting biscuits were then analyzed for their chemical characteristics. The results showed that the ratio of flour gave a very significantly different effect on the value of water content, total dietary fiber content, insoluble dietary fiber content and % nutritional adequacy rate of food fiber, and had no significant effect on the value of ash content, protein content, fat content, content carbohydrates, total flavonoids, insoluble dietary fiber content, calorie intake and fulfillment of daily energy adequacy.


  • Purple sweet potato is one type of tuber that is rich in carbohydrates in the form of starch and fiber

  • The results showed that the ratio of flour gave a very significantly different effect on the value of water content, total dietary fiber content, insoluble dietary fiber content and percentage nutritional adequacy rate of food fiber, and had no significant effect on the value of ash content, protein content, fat content, content carbohydrates, total flavonoids, insoluble dietary fiber content, calorie intake and fulfillment of daily energy adequacy

  • Tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan kadar abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, total flavonoid dan kadar serat pangan larut pada ketiga biskuit memberikan perbedaan tidak nyata

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Pembuatan biskuit dari campuran tepung

Mutu kimia biskuit dari hasil penelitian dan serat ubi jalar ungu meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar. Pembuatan biskuit dilakukan dengan cara lemak, kadar karbohidrat, total flavonoid, kadar sebagai berikut: tepung dan serat ubi jalar serat pangan total, kadar serat pangan larut, dan dicampur sesuai dengan perlakuan. Pengaruh bahan lain disiapkan dan ditimbang secara perbandingan tepung, dan serat ubi jalar ungu akurat seperti formula pada Tabel 1. Bahanterhadap mutu kimia biskuit dapat dilihat pada bahan kering yaitu tepung, baking powder, dan. Garam diaduk dengan menggunakan sendok pengaduk hingga homogen. Perbandingan tepung, dan serat ubi jalar diaduk hingga membentuk krim dengan ungu terhadap mutu kimia biskuit menggunakan mixer. Campuran bahan kering dimasukkan ke dalam adonan krim dan diaduk dengan mixer kecepatan sedang hingga terbentuk adonan yang halus. Adonan kemudian dibentuk menjadi lembaran dengan menggunakan gilingan ampia (atlas weston) dengan ketebalan 3 mm, dan dicetak berbentuk bulatan dengan diameter 4 cm, diletakkan di atas

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