
Beach seines is one of local wisdom that is maintained in Pangandaran area. Boats used in fishing operations with beach seine were used in tourism activities. Thus the boat is very important in supporting fishing operations. This study aims to determine the characteristics of boat used in these activities. The data was collected during April 2017 at Pangandaran. The data obtained through the measurement directly and analyzed descriptively comparative describing the design of beach seines boat. The measurement results show that the main dimension of the beach seines boat is to have LOA (L) ranging from 8,2 to 12,1 meters, B max (B) of 1,05-1,57 meters and Depth (D) of 0,78-1,05 meters. The main dimension ratio has a range of 7,32-8,67 for L/B, the L/D value ranges from 10,22 to 12,21 and the B/D value ranges from 1,34 to 1,5. This value has met the standard criteria of the fishing vessel’s main dimension ratio in Indonesia.

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