
Objective and Background: The increase in the prevalence of hypertension shows that hypertension is a top priority for health problems, the higher the hypertension rate the higher the risk of complications. In 2020, Puskesmas Bandarharjo became the health facility with the highest number of hypertension cases, namely 12,692 with DM complications by 45%, complications from heart disease 30%, and stroke 25%. This study aims to determine the risk factors for the incidence of complications in hypertensive patients in the work area of the Bandarharjo Public Health Center, Semarang City. This study focuses on risk factors for demographic characteristics such as age, gender, heredity, and level of community knowledge of the incidence of complications. Methods: This research is analytic observational with a case-control approach design. This study used a purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 31 cases and 31 controls. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out by univariate, bivariate using the chi-square test, and multivariate analysis with the help of SPPS version 24. The Results: showed that there was a relationship between age (p = 0.000), family history / descent (p = 0.005), education level (p = 0.011. There was no relationship between gender (p = 0.610). Conclusions: the need to increase health promotion in the context of controlling complications of hypertension patients in the Bandarharjo Community Health Center working area for the surrounding community.


  • Group menunjukkan bahwa diabetes dikaitkan dengan 44% dari semua komplikasi hipertensi di seluruh dunia, dengan 35-75% komplikasi hipertensi terkait dengan diabetes

  • This study aims to determine the risk factors for the incidence of complications in hypertensive patients in the work area of the Bandarharjo Public Health Center, Semarang City

  • This study focuses on risk factors for demographic characteristics such as age, gender, heredity, and level of community knowledge of the incidence of complications

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PENDAHULUAN Menurut data Organisasi Kesehatan

Dunia (WHO) tahun 2015, sekitar 1,13 miliar orang di seluruh dunia memiliki tekanan darah tinggi, yang berarti satu dari tiga orang di dunia di diagnosis menderita tekanan darah tinggi. WHO memperkirakan prevalensi global hipertensi menjadi 22% dari populasi dunia. Angka ini meningkat dari 25,8% menjadi 34,1%.1. Komplikasi adalah penyakit yang muncul kemudian di samping penyakit yang sudah ada. Insiden dan komplikasi hipertensi meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia, dengan prevalensi sekitar 70% pada orang dewasa di atas usia 75 tahun, Sedangkan pada orang tua, hipertensi adalah faktor risiko kardiovaskular yang paling sering diatur untuk penyakit jantung koroner (PJK), penyakit serebrovaskular, dan penyakit arteri perifer. Orang tua dengan infark miokard (MI), diabetes, stroke, sindrom aorta akut, dan gagal jantung memiliki hipertensi yang sudah ada sebelumnya.[2]

Data dari International Diabetes Data
Berdasarkan National Center for Health
Kejadian Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Pada
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