
In general, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate as the main components of concrete come from nature so that one day it will run out, alternative substitutes are needed. One of the alternative materials is Nickel Slag. Nickel slag is a type of rock dumped from the nickel industry. Limestone is also used as an alternative to fine aggregate. This study aims to determine the strength of concrete and the relationship between the characteristics of the concrete using nickeI sIag and limestone as a substitute for fine aggregate to the quality of the concrete. As for the variations of 0%, 10% and 20% and the percentage of using limestone as a substitute for fine aggregate is 10%. The method of mixing the concrete uses the SNI-03-2834-2000 method with a planned concrete quality of 42Mpa. From this research, it was found that the compressive strength of concrete with variations of 0%, 10% and 20% were respectively 42.360 MPa, 42.347 MPa and 41.781 MPa, the split tensile strength test with variations of 0%, 10% and 20% respectively was equal to 3.94 MPa, 3.064 MPa and 2.293 MPa and the flexural strength testing with variations of 0%, 10% and 20% were respectively 4.242 MPa, 4.068 MPa and 3.179 MPa. The relationship of split tensile strength for the variation of Nickel Slag variations 0%, 10%, and 20% is 9,242%, 7,178%, and 7% of the compressive strength, respectively, the relationship of split tensile strength for the variation of Nickel Slag variations 0%, 10%, and 20% of 0.65, 0.62, and 0.57 of compressive strength, respectively. From the resuIts of the study, it was concIuded that the concrete mixture with nickel and limestone slag substitution resulted in a decrease in strength as the percentage of nickel slag substitution increased.


  • From the resuIts of the study, it was concIuded that the concrete mixture with nickel and limestone slag substitution resulted in a decrease in strength as the percentage of nickel slag substitution increased

  • Hubungan antara kuat tekan dan kuat Tarik dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai persentase kuat tarik beIah terhadap kuat tarik beton pada umur 28 hari untuk Slag Nikel 0%,10%,20% berturut-turut sebesar 42,630 MPa, 42,347 MPa, 41,781 MPa. Kuat Tarik untuk GP 10%,15%,20% berturut-turut sebesar 3,94 MPa, 3,04MPa, 2,923 MPa. Berdasarkan grafik pada Gambar 7 menunjukkan nilai kuat lentur beton dengan substitusi batu gamping 10 % dan Slag nikel 0%, 10%, dan 20% sebagai agregat halus berturut-turut sebesar 4,242 MPa, 4,068 MPa, dan 3,179 MPa. Dari hal tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa kuat lentur beton menurun seiring bertambahnya variasi Slag nikel

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Pengujian Beton

Berdasarkan SNl 1974:2011, Kuat tekan beton adalah besar kecilnya beban per satuan luas, beban tertentu yang ditimbulkan oleh alat uji tekanan akan menyebabkan benda (silinder) yang akan diuji roboh [4] b. Pengujian kuat lentur beton Berdasarkan SNl 4431:2011, mengacu pada kemampuan benda uji (batang) untuk menahan gaya vertikal sampel hingga sampel hancur [5] c. B. Agregat Kasar dan Agregat haIus yang digunakan berasal dari Sungai Jeneberang, SuIawesi SeIatan. C. Pasir Gamping yang digunakan berasal dari Kecamatan Alla,Kabupaten Pangkep. D. Air yang digunakan bersaI dari sumur bor di Laboratorium TeknoIogi dan Bahan Beton Universitas Kristen lndonesia PauIus, Makassar. E. Slag nikel yang digunakan berasal dari pabrik PT. Kadar Air (%) Zat Organik Kadar Lumpur (%) Berat Jenis SSD Absorpsi/Penyerapan (%) Berat Volume Padat (kg/m3) Berat Volume Gembur (kg/m3) ModuIus KehaIusan d.

Trial Mix
Pembuatan Benda Uji
Perawatan Benda Uji
BKT3 28
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