
Research with 2D seismic data and wells used for acoustic impedance (AI) seismic inversion analysis and seismic attribute analysis has been carried out in the "CLM" Field of the North West Java Basin. The purpose of this study is to obtain the distribution pattern of acoustic impedance in the carbonate reservoir and to determine the hydrocarbon prospect zone in the study area. The acoustic impedance distribution pattern is obtained by the AI inversion process carried out on 15 2D post-stack seismic lines and 2 wells. Meanwhile, the identification of hydrocarbon prospect zones is carried out by integrating 3 maps, namely acoustic impedance slice maps, RMS amplitude attribute slice maps and envelope attribute slice maps. Based on the results of the acoustic impedance seismic inversion, it was found that the target reservoir zone in the Upper Cibulakan Formation was carbonate that had high AI values with a range of 42500-52500 (ft/s)(g/cc). Sandstone has a moderate AI value with a range of 34000-42500 (ft/s)(g/cc) and shale has a low AI value with a range of 21000-34000 (ft/s)(g/cc) which has the potential to become a seal rock. Meanwhile, based on the results of the analysis of seismic attributes, the hydrocarbon prospect zone is located in the northeast and northwest of the ITSNU-2 well location in the "CLM" field in the research area

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