
Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) is a popular fish species among Indonesian people. Several Gurami strains have been cultivated by fish farmer, one of which is Gurami Soang. This strain is belived to have a faster growth rate compared to other strains. However, like other strains, the fingerling of Soang strain have also a low survival and suceptible to disease, especially that caused by Aeromonas hydrophila infection. It has been proved that seeds from a single spawning event show varibale disease resistance. The difference in resistance among individuals is suggested related to the difference in their genetic component. One of the genes responsible for resistance is Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II B gene. Variability in resistance can be analyzed by using PCR - RFLP technique. PCR-RFLP is a technique that can produce a specific DNA fragments by PCR, followed by cutting the PCR product using restriction enzymes to describe the presence or absence of restriction sites in DNA fragments. This research aims to determine genetic marker to differiantiate between resitant and irresistant individual of Gurami Soang infected by A. hydrophila which die at a different time priod based on PCR-RFLP MHC class IIB gene. The study used survey method with purposive random sampling. The Data of PCR-RFLP band patterns were analyzed descriptively. The result indicated that cutting of the MHC class II B gene using HinfI produce two RFLP bands with 300 bp and 100 bp length in all samples. Meanwhile, the MHC IIB gene was not cuted by PstI, HindIII, BamHI and EcoRI enzymes forall samples. These mean that MHC II gene in all individuals were monomorphic. Therefore,it can be concluded that there is no specific genetic marker to differentiate gurami soang individulas which was dying in different time periods.


  • Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) merupakan jenis ikan yang populer di masyarakat Indonesia

  • Several Gurami strains have been cultivated by fish farmer

  • have a faster growth rate compared to other strains

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Profil Genom Total Hasil Isolasi DNA Ikan Gurami Soang

DNA dari 12 individu ikan gurami soang berhasil diisolasi meskipun DNA yang diperoleh terlihat tidak utuh (smear) (Gambar 1.). Hal ini diduga karena semua benih ikan yang mati pascainfeksi bakteri A. hydrophila memiliki alel gen MHC kelas II B yang sama dan waktu kematian tidak terkait dengan variasi komponen genetik. Persamaan hasil tersebut diduga karena kedua gen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan penelitian Azizah et al (2015) sama-sama tidak memiliki situs restriksi untuk enzim Pst. Tidak terpotongnya gen MHC IIB dari ikan gurami soang yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diduga karena tidak ada situs spesifik yang dapat dikenali oleh gen HindIII. Kondisi tersebut diduga karena pada gen MHC IIB ikan gurami soang tidak terdapat situs restriksi yang dapat dikenali oleh gen EcoR1. Persamaan hasil tersebut diduga gen MHC IIB dan CO1 padaikan gurami soang tidak memiliki situs restriksi yang dapat dikenali oleh enzim EcoR1. Hasil penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan adanya polimorfisme gen MHC Kelas II B pada ikan gurami soang yang mati pada waktu berbeda

Pemotongan produk PCR menggunakan enzim
Kesimpulan dan Saran
Ucapan Terimakasih
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Pemeliharaan dan Evaluasi Aspek
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