
The article examines the performance Junkermann directed by Dimitris Tarloou, which was presented initially in 2018-19 at theatre “Poreia” in Athens. The performance is an adaptation of the novel Junkermann by M. Karagatsis and constructs a dream-like universe that explores the haunting journey and memories of the novel’s protagonist. The article investigates the performance as a case study of adaptation dramaturgy in contemporary Greek theatre. As I argue in the study, the performance proposes a reconfiguration of the novel into a stage spectacle with symbolistic undertones inspired by plays such as A Dream Play by August Strindberg. In order to explore fully the performance, I look into the stage text and the metatext and I analyze the decisive use of stichomythia that is employed in the adaptation. I also underline the antirealistic aesthetics of the director and the renewed stage interpretation of the story of Junkermann.

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