
White micas from metamorphosed and hydrothermally-altered basaltic lavas, conglomerates, quartzites and shales in and around the Ventersdorp Contact Reef of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were dated by the K-Ar method to constrain post-depositional thermal and mineralization processes. The minerals were separated into various grain sizes between < 0.4 and 10μm, and characterized in terms of composition, paragenetic sequence and texture, by XRD, SEM and TEM techniques. The K-Ar isochron of all white micas in the basaltic lavas suggests an age of 1994 ± 60 Ma, and that of the smaller mica particles (< 2μm) in the quartzites defines a younger age of 1917 ± 66 Ma. This range is considered to reflect the timing of long-lived hydrothermal alteration in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef. The older age is slightly younger than the intrusion of the Bushveld Complex (2060–2054 Ma) and the Vredefort catastrophism (2020 Ma), which are well-documented events that were superimposed onto the Witwatersrand Basin. The younger age may be associated with the Eburnian orogenesis along the western edge of the Kaapvaal Craton resulting in continental-scale fluid migration and hydrothermal activity that extended throughout the Griqualand Basin and even into the Witwatersrand Basin. The K-Ar ages obtained here for the white mica fractions of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef in the Witwatersrand Basin confirm that the period between 2.0 and 1.9 Ga was significant, as far as alteration, and possibly also gold mobilization, was concerned.

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