
We explore Kapitza thermal resistance on the boundary between two homogeneous chain fragments with different characteristics. For a linear model, an exact expression for the resistance is derived. In the generic case of frequency mismatch between the domains, the Kapitza resistance is well defined in the thermodynamic limit. At the same time, in the linear chain, the resistance depends on the thermostat properties and therefore is not a local property of the considered domain boundary. Moreover, if the temperature difference at the ends of the chain is fixed, then neither the temperature drop at the domain boundary nor the heat flux depend on the system size; for the normal transport, one expects the scaling N^{-1} for both. For specific assessment, we consider the case of an isotopic boundary-only the masses in different domains are different. If the domains are nonlinear, but integrable (Toda lattice, elastically colliding particles), the anomalies are similar to the case of linear chain, with the addition of well-articulated thermal dependence of the resistance. For the case of elastically colliding particles, this dependence follows a simple scaling law R_{k}∼T^{-1/2}. For Fermi-Pasta-Ulam domains, both the temperature drop and the heat flux decrease with the chain length, but with different exponents, so the resistance vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. For the domains comprised of rotators, the thermal resistance exhibits the expected normal behavior.

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