
Birth weight is less than 2500 grams which contribute to infant mortality especially during the perinatal period, one of the interventions that can be done with kangaroo method, this method can make the baby's body temperature stable because the baby who is in the care of the kangaroo method will feel like it exists in the uterus of the mother, in addition to the treatment of kangaroo methods aimed at helping to accelerate the process of increasing the baby's body temperature as well as being able to stabilize the body temperature in babies who experience low birth weight. The design of the study used is a descriptive method with a case study approach of nursing care using a pre and post-test design conducted on 2 respondents. Before being given the kangaroo method 1 respondent and respondent 2 experienced low weight measured using observation sheet for 3 days while after being given kangaroo method respondent 1 and respondent 2 experienced weight gain measured using observation sheet for 3 days characterized by normal weight. Kangaroo treatment therapy method can increase body temperature in babies with low birth weight in the perinatology room of K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Hospital Semarang.


  • Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a baby born with a bodyweight of fewer than 2500 grams, where babies with less weight are prone to illness or infection if this is not treated immediately will be at risk of experiencing delays in motor development and learning ability.[1]

  • The results of this study are following the results of other studies which explain that the kangaroo method is more effective at increasing body temperature

  • Similar results are explained in other studies which explain that there is an increase in body temperature and body weight after skin-to-skin contact using the kangaroo method.[9]

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Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a baby born with a bodyweight of fewer than 2500 grams, where babies with less weight are prone to illness or infection if this is not treated immediately will be at risk of experiencing delays in motor development and learning ability.[1]In terms of the relationship between the time of birth and gestational age, the baby's birth is grouped into three, including preterm (preterm) babies, namely babies born with a gestation period of fewer than 37 weeks (259 days), term babies, namely babies born with a gestation period of fewer than 37 weeks (259 days). gestation between 37 to 42 weeks (259-293 days), and babies over months, namely babies born with a gestation period of> 42 weeks or more than 294 days.[2]Based on Riskesdas (2018) Basic Health Research results, the prevalence of the Indonesian population having low birth weight problems is 3.27 %. The prevalence of low birth weight at the age of 0-59 months according to the city of Semarang is 5.39%.3. The elasticity of the baby's body decreases over the surface area, thereby accelerating heat loss. This is influenced by the length of the baby, the ratio of body surface to body weight for the age of the baby, all of which can affect normal temperature limits.[4] This is what causes LBW to need tools and methods, including by inserting the baby into an incubator, performing treatment with natural methods, namely by treating the kangaroo method to stabilize his body temperature to prolong life opportunities. It can help to stabilize the baby's body temperature.[4,5]

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