
Study area concedes the compressional stresses caused by the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates molded the northwest- southeast trending faults which are Riasi Fault (RF), Palandri Fault (PF), Godri Badshah Fault (GBF) and Chhechhan Fault (CF). This study intended to analyze the Kamlial sandstone as an aggregate problem for construction industry while sedimentary structure, stratigraphic sequence and geology of the study area were also destined. The study area comprised Nakar, Chhechhan, Holar, Tallian and Sarsawah of Palandri Azad Kashmir. The Impact value, Los Angeles Abrasion resistance, Specific gravity and Water absorption test were evaluated for kamlial sandstone. The samples were collected from Garata Sarsawa, Panjeera, Telyan, Kharran, Jabbri kass, Kand Gora, Parasgali, Garrala, Hollar, Chhechann and Nakar near Pallandri. Impact value of Kamlial Sandstone recorded 25.2, Abrasion Resistance of Kamlial Sandstones is 41.4 % which is less than AASHTO value i.e 50 percent. The Apparent Specific gravity initiate 2.1 percent which is less than ASTM standards i.e between 2.6-2.9. and the Water Absorption value recorded 2.24%. The results intimate that the Kamlial sandstone does not qualify ASTM specification for aggregate.

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