
When nonlinearity is added to an infinite system with purely discrete linear spectrum, Anderson modes become coupled with one another by terms of higher order than linear, allowing energy exchange between them. It is generally believed, on the basis of numerical simulations in such systems, that any initial wave-packet with finite energy spreads down chaotically to zero amplitude with second moment diverging as a power law of time, slower than standard diffusion (subdiffusion). We present results which suggest that the interpretation of spreading cannot be described as initially believed and that new questions arise and still remain opened. We show that an initially localized wave-packet with finite norm may generate two kinds of trajectories both obtained with nonvanishing probability.The first kind consists of KAM trajectories which are recurrent and do not spread. Empirical investigations suggest that KAM theory may still hold in infinite systems under two conditions: (1) the linearized spectrum is purely discrete, (2) the considered solutions are square summable and not too large in amplitude. We check numerically that in appropriate regions of the parameter space, indeed many initial conditions can be found with finite probability that generate (nonspreading) infinite dimension tori (almost periodic solutions) in a fat Cantor set in (projected) phase space.The second kind consists of trajectories which look initially chaotic and often spread over long times. We first rigorously prove that initial chaos does not necessarily imply complete spreading e.g. for large norm initial wave-packet. Otherwise, in some modified models, no spreading at all is proven to be possible, despite the presence of initial chaos in contradiction with early beliefs. The nature of the limit state is still unknown.However, we attempt to present empirical arguments suggesting that if a trajectory starts chaotically spreading, there will necessarily exist (generally large) critical spreading distances that depend on the disorder realization where the trajectory will be sticking to a dense set of KAM tori. This effect should induce drastic slowing down of the spreading which could be viewed as "inverse Arnold diffusion" since the trajectory approaches KAM tori regions instead of leaving them. We suggest that this effect should self-organize the chaotic behavior and that at long time, the wave-packet might not be spread down to zero, but could have a limit profile with marginal chaos (with singular continuous spectrum), despite a long spatial tail. Further analytical and numerical investigations are required.

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