
OZET Arastirma, hastanelerde orgut kulturunu belirleyerek, saglik ekibi uyeleri-nin degisime karsi tutumlari arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koymak amaciyla tanimlayici olarak gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini, Istanbul Ili sinirlari icinde akreditasyon ve/veya ISO belgesi alan bes ozel hastane ve bes kamu hastanesinde gorev yapan tum hekim ve hemsireler (S=3067) olusturmustur. Yapilan orneklem hesabi dogrultusunda 570 kisi ornekleme alinmistir. Veri toplama araclari, bilgi formu, kultur olcegi ve degisime karsi tutum olcegi (DKTO)’dir. Veriler, bilgisayar ortaminda sayi, yuzde, Cronbach alfa katsayisi, ki-kare testi, bagimli gruplarda t-testi, tek yonlu varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Tukey testi kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir. Ozel hastanelerde en fazla isbirligi kulturunun, kamu hastanelerinde ise en fazla guc kulturunun egemen oldugu belirlen-mistir. Calisanlarin DKTO puan ortalamasi X= 64.13±13.12 olarak saptanmistir. DKTO en dusuk puan ortalamasi kamu hastanelerinde oldugu, tepe yoneticilerini otokratik olarak algilayan ve kalite calismalarinda rol almak istemeyen calisan-larin dusuk puan aldiklari saptanmistir. Ayrica calisanlarin DKTO puanlari orgut kulturuyle karsilastirildiginda, en dusuk puan ortalamasinin guc kulturunde oldugu bulunmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hastane, Hemsirelik, Orgut Kulturu, Degisim, Degisime Karsi Tutum. ABSTRACT The Examination of Organizatio-nal Culture and Attitude Agains Change in Hospitals that Have Received a Quality Certificate The present study was carried out descriptively in order to reveal the relationships between organizational cultu-res and attitudes of healthcare personnel against change by defining the organ-izational culture in hospitals that have received a quality certificate. The scope of the research covered all physicians and nurses (N=3067) employed at five private hospitals that have received accreditation and/or the ISO certificate, and five public hospitals, all of which were located within Istanbul city limits. A total of 570 individuals were included in the sample, in accordance with the sampling calculation performed.Data gathering tools are information form, culture scale and attitude against change scale (AACS). Data were evaluated by using numbers, percentages, Cronbach alpha coefficient, chi-square test, and by t-test for dependent groups, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey test. It was seen that collaboration culture was the most evident culture in private hospitals, while in public hospitals the most dominant culture was power cu-lture. AACS score average was calculated as X= 64.13±13.12. The least score averages for AACS were found in those employed in public healt hospitals, in those who perceived top executives as autocrats, and in those who were unwilling to participate in quality studies. Besides, when employees’ AACS score averages were compared to their scores of organization culture, power culture was observed to be the least. Keywords: Organizational Culture,Hospital, Nursing, Change, Attitude Against Change.

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