
Abstract. A Kalman filter-based approach for the physical retrieval of surface temperature and emissivity from SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) infrared observations has been developed and validated against in situ and satellite observations. Validation for land has been provided based on in situ observations from the two permanent stations at Evora and Gobabeb operated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) within the framework of EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF). Sea surface retrievals have been intercompared on a broad spatial scale with equivalent satellite products (MODIS, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, and AVHRR, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) analyses. For surface temperature, the Kalman filter yields a root mean square accuracy of ≈ ±1.5 °C for the two land sites considered and ≈ ±1.0 °C for the sea. Comparisons with polar satellite instruments over the sea surface show nearly zero temperature bias. Over the land surface the retrieved emissivity follows the seasonal vegetation cycle and permits identification of desert sand regions using the SEVIRI channel at 8.7 μm due to the strong quartz reststrahlen bands around 8–9 μm. Considering the two validation stations, we have found that emissivity retrieved in SEVIRI channel 10.8 μm over the gravel plains of the Namibian desert is in excellent agreement with in situ observations. Over Evora, the seasonal variation of emissivity with vegetation is successfully retrieved and yields emissivity values for green and dry vegetation that are in good agreement with spectral library data. The algorithm has been applied to the SEVIRI full disk, and emissivity maps on that global scale have been physically retrieved for the first time.


  • In Masiello et al (2013b) the authors exploited the high temporal resolution of data acquisition by geostationary satellites and their capability to resolve the diurnal cycle to develop a Kalman filter (KF) approach (e.g. Kalman, 1960; Kalman and Bucy, 1961) for the simultaneous retrieval of surface temperature, Ts, and emissivity

  • It is worth noting that the KF-retrieved emissivity for the 10.8 μm channel is in very good agreement with that estimated for the Gobabeb gravel plain with satellite observations (MODIS and ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer)) and the in situ box method approach (Göttsche and Hulley, 2013)

  • We have developed and implemented a time dimension KF scheme which is capable of retrieving surface temperature and emissivity from SEVIRI channels with improved accuracy

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In Masiello et al (2013b) the authors exploited the high temporal resolution of data acquisition by geostationary satellites and their capability to resolve the diurnal cycle to develop a Kalman filter (KF) approach (e.g. Kalman, 1960; Kalman and Bucy, 1961) for the simultaneous retrieval of surface temperature, Ts, and emissivity,. The present study aims at complementing the results presented in Masiello et al (2013b) and assessing the capability of the time dimension KF approach to provide accurate retrievals at the SEVIRI full-disk scale and in the case of long time periods, which can include large data voids because of, for example, clouds. Towards this objective, we have set up a study to validate the KF approach on a broad spatio-temporal scale, from individual SEVIRI pixels to the SEVIRI full disk, and from days to the whole year.

Single SEVIRI pixels spanning an entire year
Regional case study
Full-disk case study
Ancillary data: emissivity
Ancillary data
KF parameter settings
The forward model
Results: validation and comparison to similar satellite-derived products
Evora station
Gobabeb station
Comparison with ECMWF products
Comparison with sea surface MODIS products
Comparison with AVHRR OI SST analysis
SEVIRI full-disk maps
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Paper version not known

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