
Levels of Kallikrein activity in human saliva vary in dependence of changes of systemic conditions. Bhoola et al. (1978) reported about a physiological increase of Kallikrein activity in saliva prior to the onset of menstruation in school girls. They also found (Bhoola et al. 1969) a decrease of Kallikrein activity in saliva of patients with sarcoidosis. Recent studies showed that glandular Kallikrein activity in saliva of patients with malignant tumors remote from the oral cavity is significantly higher than in a healthy control group (Jenzano et al. 1986). However, at the present it is not known which function Kallikrein may have in physiological and pathophysiological processes in the oral cavity. To get more detailed information about changes of glandular Kallikrein activity in pathophysiology in our present study we investigated differences of Kallikrein activity in parotid saliva of patients with inflammatory, hyperplastic and malignant diseases of the oral mucous membrane.KeywordsSquamous Cell CarcinomaOral CavityOral Mucous MembraneHealthy Control GroupHuman SalivaThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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