
Part 1 Reminiscences and comparisons: personal recollections on Michail Kalecki, Nicholas Kaldor Kalecki and Robinson, A.Asimakopulos Michail Kalecki and the General Theory, Don Patinkin the legacies of Kalecki and Keynes, George R.Feiwel long period perspectives on unemployment in Kalecki and in Keynes, Mario Sebastiani. Part 2 Microfoundations and the theory of distribution: Kalecki's quest for the microeconomic foundations of his macroeconomic theory, Alberto Chilosi methodological implications of Kalecki's microfoundations, Peter Kriesler class struggle and the income distribution in the Kaleckian theory, Bruno Jossa the rate of profit in Kalecki's theory, Edward Nell effective demand and the rate of profits - some thoughts on Marx, Kalecki and Sraffa, Fernando Vianello. Part 3 Savings, investment and money: savings, investment and finance in Kalecki's theory, J.A.Kregel some aspects of Kalecki's theory of profits, its relationship to Marx's schemes of reproduction, Claudio Sardoni Kalecki and fiscal policy, Ruggero Paladini the principle of increasing risk versus the marginal efficiency of capital, Ferdinardo Meacci. Part 4 Trend and business cycle: Kalecki's economic dynamics - a personal view, R.M.Goodwin some notes on the second version of Kalecki's business cycle theory, Serena Sordi Kalecki's economics and explanations of the economic crisis, Malcolm C.Sawyer reflections on Kalecki's dynamics, J.Steindl. Part 5 Socialism and planning: Michail Kalecki's contributions to the theory and practice of socialist planning, D.M.Nuti.

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