
The article summarizes the results of the excavations in the Galayeri settlement of Leilatepe culture, which is located in Gabala district of the Azerbaijan Republic. The roots of this culture are connected with the late Cholcolithic Eastern Anatolian traditions. Excavations were completed in 400 sq/ m area in Galayeri. The thickness of the cultural layer at the excavation site was 3m. The constructions were made of non-standard clay layers. Semi- dugouts, dug into the subsoil, have been revealed there. One of the semi-dugouts probably served as a sanctuary. More than 20 child burials in ceramic vessels and one catacomb with the child burial have been revealed. The pottery is divided into 4 groups according to the composition of the clay. Most of all,vessels of the first group, made of plant tempered clay and thrown on a potter’s wheel, have been found. Stone products are represented by grain grinders, pestles, graters, as well as numerous obsidian and flint tools. Bone tools are few and consist of spindle whorls and awls. The metalworking items - molds for axes and ingots are of interest.

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