
Evaluation of antibody titre in yolk from immunized chickens with excretory/secretory antigen of L3 stage of Ascaridia galliABSTRACT. The purpose of the present study was to trigger humoral immunity of chickens egg yolk exposed to excretory/secretory released in vitro by L3 stage of Ascaridia galli. Amount of 6 head chickens were divided into two groups. First group, the chickens were not immunized. Second group, the chickens were immunized with excretory/ secretory. Active immunizations with excretory/ secretory antigen were applied intra muscularly of chickens with an initial dose of 80 μg. The immunizations were repeated three times with dose of each 60 μg with an interval of one week. The first immunizations were excretory/secretory antigen mixed with Fruend Adjuvant Complete and subsequently mixed with Freund Adjuvant Incomplete. Antibody response in yolk was detected at weekly intervals by enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). The result showed that antibody in yolk was begun detect with ELISA increased at two weeks after immunization, This study has shown that the excretory/secretory released in vitro by L3 stage A. galli is capable of stimulating humoral immunity by mean of producing IgY in yolk.


  • Respons kekebalan ayam dipicu oleh pemaparan antigen yang strukturnya dikenali oleh sistem kekebalan sebagai sesuatu benda asing yang dapat membentuk antibodi

  • The result showed that antibody in yolk was begun detect with enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) increased at two weeks after immunization, This study has shown that the excretory/secretory released in vitro by L3 stage A. galli is capable of stimulating humoral immunity by mean of producing imunoglobulin yolk (IgY) in yolk

  • R., Ridwan, Y. and Murtini, S., 2003

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Rancangan Penelitian Antigen yang dibutuhkan untuk imunisasi ayam petelur diperoleh dari ekskretori/sekretori stadium L3 A. galli. Ayam diimunisasi secara intramuskular dengan antigen ekskretori/sekretori L3 A. galli mengikuti metode Camenisch et al (1999). Tiga ekor ayam digunakan sebagai kontrol, sedangkan sembilan ekor lainnya diimunisasi dengan ekskretori/sekretori larva A. galli. Uji ELISA pada sampel kuning telur dari tiga ekor ayam yang diimunisasi dilakukan mulai minggu pertama sampai minggu ke-10 pascaimunisasi. Kajian Titer Antibodi Pada Yolk Dari Ayam yang Diimunisasi Dengan Antigen Ekskretori/Sekretori Stadium L3 Ascaridia galli Plat dicuci sebanyak 3 kali dengan 0,15 M NaCl, 0,02 M NaHPO4, 0,01% Tween 20, pH 7,2 (PBS-T) yang khusus digunakan sebagai larutan pencuci dalam ELISA. Sebanyak 100 l antibodi yang telah dilabel (IgY conjugate HRP, anti-chicken) dimasukkan ke dalam lubang plat dan diinkubasikan selama satu jam pada suhu ruangan di atas shaker, dan ditambahkan substrat peroksidase, ABTS, dan sitrat buffer. Plate dibaca dengan ELISA Reader panjang gelombang 415 nm (Yadav et al, 2005)

Dictyocaulus viviparus Using
Immunized Avians Protect Offspring
Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik
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