
The mosque which is a place of worship or place of worship for Muslims is also the culmination of the sanctity of space in Islam and is an artifact of Islamic architecture. Islamic art forms on mosques are a blend of symbolic elements of Islamic architecture. Masjid Hj. Sudalmiyah Rais is a part of public facilities in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The mosque has a very thick Islamic architectural style. This research will explore and find out what forms of Islamic art are applied to the mosque. The purpose of this study finds Islamic art was applied in the mosque and how to presents Islamic decorative arts found in the mosque. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This research carried out by seeing the object of the mosque, then assessed the parts that were based on the results of matching parameters of the symbolic elements of Islamic architecture. Masjid Hj.Sudalmiyah Rais fulfills 11 of these 12 parameters. The missing thing is the hand made decorations. That can be concluded that Masjid Hj. Sudalmiyah Rais applied Islamic art to the physical form of the building. Islamic ornamental arts contained in the mosque that are in the form of calligraphy ornaments, geometric ornaments, and flower ornaments (florist). The benefits of this research are to increase public knowledge about Islamic art studies found in Masjid Hj. Sudalmiyah Rais and gave references to Architects about the use of Islamic art in mosques.


  • Arsitektur Islam merupakan perpaduan antara kebudayaan manusia dan proses penghambaan diri seorang manusia kepada Tuhannya, yang berada dalam keselarasan hubungan antara manusia, lingkungan dan penciptanya

  • ABSTRAK The mosque which is a place of worship or place of worship for Muslims is the culmination of the sanctity of space in Islam and is an artifact of Islamic architecture

  • Islamic art forms on mosques are a blend of symbolic elements of Islamic architecture

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Florist berpola sebagai parameter/tolok ukur data dan dedaunan digunakan untuk menganalisa data yang kubah diperoleh. Beberapa alat utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tulis dan kamera. Alat tulis digunakan untuk mencatat data observasi langsung men Geome tris berbentuk kotak/ling karan pada objek penelitian. Alat kamera digunakan untuk pengambilan gambar objek atau pengambilan data visual. Observasi mendalam dilakukan pada penelitian men berbentuk ini, untuk mendapatkan data yang aktual dan faktual. Hasil arsitektur Islami (Ernest Burden dalam Qomarun, 2004) dan empat macam kategori seni hias Islam. Penyajian data dibuat dalam susunan tangan data gambar atau data yang didapat dari lapangan 9 Warna Sesuai kemudian diidentifikasi dan dianalisa sesuai dengan.

11 Plester Permukaan an Berpo ditutupi la plesteran
Eksterior Teridentifikasi ornamen geometris ciri khas
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