
Al Irsyad Mosque is an iconic mosque in Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, West Java. This mosque became a city icon because it was built by the architect Ridwan Kamil at that time. Another interesting thing about this mosque is its approach which is quite different from other forms of mosques. This is what is interesting to study and criticize about how a design mindset can be formed and then dismantled again so that it can be studied. The research method used is qualitative methods and literature studies to be able to get messages from the shape of the building, so that Saussure's semiotics where signs and markers are embedded in mosques will produce messages that can be translated and reapplied to other mosque building designs. The results of this study indicate that Saussure's semiotic study is very appropriate for use in architectural criticism of the Al-Irsyad Mosque and will certainly help the development of forms, symbols and icons of mosque buildings in accordance with the purpose of worship.

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