
Development of ecotourism is one way to preserve the forest and also for the welfare of the surrounding community. Salang Pangeran ecotourism in Timbang Lawan village is part of the buffer of Gunung Leuser National Park. Since 2014, people of Timbang Lawan village have opened the Salang Pangeran ecotourism for public. Tourists who visit the ecotourism increase significantly. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of potential objects and natural attractions, internal and external factors that affect the development of Salang Pangeran ecotourism and its development strategies. Methods of data collection by conducting literature studies, field observations, interviews with communities and stakeholders and conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Data analysis on the potential of Objects and Natural Tourist Attraction (ODTWA) described descriptively and it processed by using Guidance Analysis of the Operational Area-Objects and Natural Tourist Attraction (ADO-ODTWA) and SWOT analysis to formulate strategic alternatives. The results of ODTWA analysis in the Salang Pangeran ecotourism area for each criterias are known for attractiveness value is 1260 points (high), accessibility, 725 points (medium), condition of socio-economic environment, 425 points (medium), accommodation, 180 points (high), insfrastructure and supporting facilities, 300 points (high) and availability of clean water, 900 points (high). There are 9 alternative strategies for the Salang Pangeran ecotourism development plan


  • The purpose of this study is to determine the value of potential objects

  • external factors that affect the development of Salang Pangeran ecotourism

  • it processed by using Guidance Analysis of the Operational Area-Objects

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Potensi objek dan daya tarik wisata alam meliputi daya tarik, aksesibilitas, kondisi lingkungan sosial ekonomi, akomodasi, saranaprasarana penunjang dan ketersediaan air bersih (PHKA, 2003b). Analisis SWOT Analisis SWOT dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan posisi kondisi saat ini dan strategi pengembangan ekowisata Salang Pangeran yang terintegerasi dengan kepariwisataan yang berdekatan. Analisis terhadap faktor Internal dan ekternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan ekowisata Salang Pangeran dilakukan dengan menggunakan Model matriks IFAS-EFAS dari hasil wawancara dengan berbagai pihak untuk diambil suatu rekomendasi sehingga menjadi acuan dalam penyusunan rencana pengembangan (Rangkuti, 2000). Terdapat beberapa lokasi yang berpotensi sebagai objek menarik yaitu Air Terjun Salang Pangeran, Sungai Landak dan Gua Batu Rizal. Pangeran tersebut selanjutnya dinilai menurut kriteria penilaian yang dipakai sebagai dasar dalam penilaian ODTWA ini yaitu daya tarik, aksesibilitas, kondisi lingkungan sosial ekonomi, akomodasi, sarana- prasarana penunjang dan ketersediaan air bersih

Rekapitulasi penilaian ODTWA Penilaian ODTWA kawasan ekowisata Salang
Analisis faktor-faktor internal Hasil analisis IFAS di Ekowisata Salang
Lembaga terkait pengelolaan pariwisata
Analisis faktor-faktor eksternal Hasil analisis EFAS di ekowisata Salang
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