
Yogyakarta City has a privilege in the history of the Mataram Kingdom relics either tangible or intangible. One of them is the philosophy axis. The philosophy axis is manifested in the form of a path that has historical objects as the elements of forming a city. The main elements are Tugu Yogyakarta, Malioboro Street, Zero Kilometer, and South Square is now being used in the open space of the city. The aims of this study were to examine the place dependence on the four historical objects with the respondents. The study has already done using qualitative and quantitative methods. The main of qualitative methods by distribution questionnaires involve the perception of natives, newcomers, and tourists as much as 327 respondents. Other qualitative methods were done by using a descriptive approach to the literature review and interviews, as well as field observation. Quantitative methods by using a non-parametric of different test with Mann-Whitney U for testing of perception between two samples. The results of this study, perception between the natives and newcomers was no difference. The results showed that place dependence obtained the doubtful value of 83.33%, the disagree value of 8.33% and the agreed value of 8.33%. The importance of place dependence as a recommendation in planning is the preservation of tangible cultural heritage and increasing the dimensions of place attachment in public space, especially the Zero Kilometer which has the weakest value. Finally, Yogyakarta City would be realized by UNESCO as one of World Heritage City about cultural heritage. Keywords: historical objects, perception, place dependence, public space, tangible cultural heritage Diterima


  • PENDAHULUAN Keterikatan tempat dalam dimensi psikologis lingkungan berkaitan dengan warisan budaya wujud masih belum mendapat perhatian oleh berbagai kalangan

  • The results showed that place dependence obtained the doubtful value of 83.33%, the disagree value of 8.33% and the agreed value of 8.33%

  • The Measurement of Place Attachment: Validity and Generalizability of a Psychometric Approach

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Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian

Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kota Yogyakarta, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Gambar 2). Jenis dan Sumber Data Pelaksanaan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tahap penelusuran sejarah pada empat objek heritage berupa pengumpulan data, kunjungan lapang, wawancara, dan sebaran kuesioner. Kriteria dalam pemilihan responden adalah masyarakat asli dan pendatang yang berusia diatas 17 tahun, tinggal di sepanjang dan sekitar sumbu filosofi, dan berada lebih dari 1 tahun. Penarikan jumlah sampel yang digunakan berdasarkan pada pendekatan Isaac dan Michael. Penentuan jumlah sampel mengacu pada rumus yang dikemukakan oleh Isaac dan Michael adalah sebagai berikut:. Ukuran sampel kuesioner dari masyarakat berdasarkan data populasi penduduk di Kota Yogyakarta. Sementara ukuran sampel kuesioner wisatawan berdasarkan data jumlah kunjungan wisatawan diperoleh dari Dinas Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta. Besar sampel yang digunakan setelah dilakukan pengujian (layak dan valid), sebanyak 176 responden adalah masyarakat asli, 92 responden adalah masyarakat pendatang, dan 67 responden adalah wisatawan.

Ni x n N ni
Metode Analisis Data
Analisis Objek Heritage
Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat dan Wisatawan
Masyarakat Pendatang
Analisis Rekomendasi
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