
Youtefa Bay is a coastal area with a form of closed waters located in front of Jayapura City. The closed waters become Nature Tourism Areas. Population growth in the bay area is increasing and the rapid development activities in the coastal area, for various purposes such as settlements, fisheries, ports, tourism objects, cause increased ecological pressure on coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. This study aims to determine the potential of biological resources through an inventory and identification study, coral reef and the status and condition of coral reef ecosystem health through lifeform analysis and the Coral Death Index. Data collection on coral reef ecosystems is carried out at 2 (two) stations using the LIT (Line Intercept Transect) method. The results found overall the range of percentage of coral cover in the range between 48.44 to 50.26%, while the coral mortality index (MI) ranged from 0.19 to 0.32 at both stations. Health status and condition of the coral reef ecosystem shows poor condition (poor).Key Words: Coral reef; Line Intercept Transect; Health status; Mortality index; Youtefa bay

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