
Preeclampsia is a disease that can arise during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, has clinical symptoms such as high blood pressure (hypertension), and found protein in urine (proteinuria, data in Polindes Pragaan Daya Village, District Pragaan-Sumenep Year 2016 from 36 pregnant women there is 6 people (16.6%) detected preeclampsia. The cause of preeeklamsi is still not known with certainty but there are closely related risk factors such as obesity, women who have a body mass index of 25-27 usually have a risk of three times hypertension including preeclampsia (2). The purpose of this study is to know the description of body mass index (BMI) in pregnant women who have preeclampsia. The descriptive research used cross sectional approach, the population used by pregnant women detected by preeclampsion in Polindes of Pragaan Daya village of Sumenep district in March to May 21 were 21 respondents using population total sampling technique, the data obtained were analyzed using frequency distribution table. Based on the results of research obtained data Nearly half of respondents have a body mass index (BMI) fat (> 25-30) that is as many as 8 respondents (38.1%). The body works harder in pumping blood, the body needs to burn excess calories, burning calories requires an adequate supply of oxygen in the blood, more calories being burned, the more oxygen supply in the blood, the higher blood supply makes the heart work harder, and the impact of blood pressure on obese people is higher (Widharto, 2007). Early detection of pregnant women through blood pressure examination, IMT measurements, and signs of preeclampsia symptoms, making midwives' basis for rapid and appropriate decisionmaking, cross-program, cross-sectoral, family and community support are expected to decrease the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women .Keynote: Body Mass Index (IMT), Preeclampsia

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