
Development of transmission line is needed to increase the availability of electrical demand. This development requires a land acquisition, which has some impacts toward socio-economic of society, namely changes of livehood and loss of earnings. Objectives of this study were: 1) to identify some problems caused by land acquisition; 2) to analyze the changes of livehood and income caused by land acquisition; 3) factors affected price of land compensation; 4) alternatives solution to minimize impact of land acquisition. The change of livehood was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method, meanwhile the change of income by loss of earning, factors affected price of land compensation by regression. This study was conducted in 12 villages in Bogor and Depok crossed by the transmission line. The result of study showed that the transmission lines development the emergencing of various problems, namely: (a) land acquisition is causing the loss of home for 3,33 percent of respondents that had to be relocated to other areas, (b) land acquisition is causing the loss of 16,63 percent agricultural land owned by community that affected by the transmission line, (c) land acquisition is causing internal conflict within the family of 5.00 percent respondents in terms of the distribution of compensation money received. The land acquisition causes change of livelihood of farmers (6,67 percent), owners of grocery shop and drink stalls business (3.33 percent), and business owners of rental house (3,33 percent). This causes loss of earning for 26.67 percent respondent, with the total loss of earnings of IDR 6,605,000 per month or an average of IDR 412,813 per month per respondent. The regression model of land compensation price has R-Square (adj) 73,9 percent, with the factors that significantly affect the value of land compensation are: Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) of land, market price of the land, and the size area of respondents landholding, with a significance level of each respectively 0,000. The result of classical assumption test proves that the regression model is built in accordance with the rules of econometrics is good with no autocorrelation, no multicollinieraty, no heteroscedasticity, and the data is also distributed normally. To minimize the land acquisitioned impact should be noted about how the continuation of economic enterprise communities that rely on land as the main capital of the business, and how the compensation value specified must meet the aspect of obedience to the law and agreement with the land owners. Keywords: land acquisition, transmission line, livehood change, loss of earnings


  • Penyediaan energi listrik merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat disamping pemenuhan prasarana kehidupan lainnya seperti air bersih, perumahan yang sehat, layanan kesehatan serta pendidikan dan lain-lain

  • Development of transmission line is needed to increase the availability of electrical demand

  • which has some impacts toward socio-economic of society

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Latar Belakang

Penyediaan energi listrik merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat disamping pemenuhan prasarana kehidupan lainnya seperti air bersih, perumahan yang sehat, layanan kesehatan serta pendidikan dan lain-lain. Pembebasan lahan menyebabkan beralihnya pemilikan lahan dan menjadi salah satu sebab hilangnya mata pencaharian masyarakat terutama yang menjadikan lahan sebagai modal utama dalam bekerja mencari nafkah. Konflik ini akan membentuk persepsi yang buruk di mata masyarakat dan dapat menjadi penghambat terhadap kegiatan pembebasan lahan di tempat lainnya (Munif 2011). Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas, maka pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (a) permasalahan apa yang timbul pasca kegiatan pembebasan lahan di sepanjang jalur jaringan transmisi yang dibangun; (b) bagaimana pengaruh pembebasan lahan terhadap perubahan jenis mata pencaharian dan tingkat penghasilan pemilik lahan di sepanjang wilayah jaringan transmisi yang dibangun; (c) faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi nilai ganti rugi lahan; dan (d) apa alternatif solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkan dampak kegiatan pembebasan lahan

Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian
Metode Pengambilan Data dan Sampel
Metode Analisis Data
Gambaran Proyek Jaringan Transmisi
Karakteristik Responden
Dinas Pertanian
Dampak Sosial Pembebasan Lahan
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Ganti Rugi Lahan
Alternatif Solusi Dampak Pembebasan Lahan
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