
Kahoot has become an important tool in teaching anatomy, and can be used as a tool of active or traditional methodology. Nowadays, the gameification of anatomy teaching is increasingly growing, mainly as a strategy to make human anatomy classes more attractive and interactive. Gamification is a strategy of using game elements outside the gaming environment and can be applied to assist the teacher in the task of providing information, but to teach how to select useful information and apply that knowledge to solve teaching problems. and profession. Thus, in Brazil we face a problem of excessive use of cell phones in the classroom in activities other than anatomical teaching, causing teacher boredom, reducing student learning, generating conflicts and discord in the classroom and even generating lawsuits against teachers and students. Thus, we decided to use the cell phone as an anatomy learning tool and thus making the phone an ally and not a villain. Based on these premises, the objective of this work was to demonstrate that Kahoot improves the teaching and learning process of anatomy of the male urinary and genital system both in an active and traditional way. An analytical, cross‐sectional study was carried out with 120 students from pharmacy and medicine. The first step was to prepare the online quiz using the website https://kahoot.com/as a formative and summative activity of the discipline. The game was created outside the classroom, by the teacher, before the class date. On the day of class, the teacher opened the online quiz and made the link and access code available to students. Another quiz of the same modality had already been applied to students before this date, so they were familiar with the methodology. The Quiz had 20 questions. A pre‐test and post‐test was performed using kahoot as a tool. For data collection, a structured questionnaire on the perception of learning was applied. For statistical analysis, the Shapiro‐Wilk normality test was applied and the data that did not follow the Gaus curve were submitted to the Mann Whitney test, being considered significant when presented at p <0.05. It was observed that there was no statistically significant difference between the ages of the participants. There was a statistically significant difference in the students’ perception of learning before and after using kahoot. It was found that 90% of students approved the use of kahoot as a teaching and learning strategy, however 30% complained that the speed of response could not be counted as an overall score. It was observed that 20% of students reported that to improve the use of kahoot a high speed internet would help. It was found that the number of correct answers in the post‐test was statistically significant when compared to the pre‐test. It was found that kahoot was an important strategy in the teaching and learning process of anatomy, promoting significant learning of human anatomy.Support or Funding InformationClínica Ariel Scafuri and UFC

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