
The article deals with the status of Christian population of Sofia under the Ottoman rule and legal pluralism. The aim of the investigation is to analyze the degree of integration of Christians to the Ottoman system of law and to understand the reasons of Christian’s access to the Shari‘a courts. The legal status of Christians in the Ottoman Empire was defined by the so-called Millet system. The Orthodoxies in Ottoman Empire had three ways of resolving their disputes: they could turn to the Episcopal court, the communal court or the Ottoman court, which made a decision according to Shari‘a and Kanun. As it could be argued, on the contrary to popular belief, Christian’s going to Shari‘a courts were not rare. They had the opportunity to choose what kind of court to prefer for resolving their personal and family disputes.


  • The article deals with the status of Christian population

  • The aim of the investigation is to analyze the degree of integration of Christians

  • The legal status of Christians in the Ottoman Empire was defined by the so-called Millet system

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В статье рассматривается положение христиан в Османской империи XVIII в. Правовая система Османской империи опиралась как на исламское право (законы шариата), так и на светское право. Специфика положения османских христиан состояла в наличии у них выбора, в какой суд обращаться и по нормам какого права решать те или иные вопросы, в частности вопросы распределения наследства.

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