
Lys65 residue, in the fingers domain of human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase (RT), interacts with incoming dNTP in a sequence-independent fashion. We showed previously that a 5-amino-acid deletion spanning Lys65 and a K65A substitution both enhanced the fidelity of dNTP insertion. We hypothesized that the Lys65 residue enhances dNTP misinsertion via interactions with the γ-phosphate of the incoming dNTP. We now examine this hypothesis in pre-steady-state kinetic studies using wild-type human immunodeficiency virus-1 RT and two substitution mutants, K65A and K65R. K65R mutation did not greatly increase misinsertion fidelity, but K65A mutation led to higher incorporation fidelity. For a misinsertion to become a permanent error, it needs to be accompanied by the extension of the mispaired terminus thus formed. Both mutants and the wild-type enzyme discriminated against the mismatched primer at the catalytic step ( k pol). Additionally, K65A and K65R mutants displayed a further decrease in mismatch extension efficiency, primarily at the level of dNTP binding. We employed hydroxyl radical footprinting to determine the position of the RT on the primer/template. The wild-type and Lys65-substituted enzymes occupied the same position at the primer terminus; the presence of a mismatched primer terminus caused all three enzymes to be displaced to a − 2 position relative to the primer 3′ end. In the context of an efficiently extended mismatched terminus, the presence of the next complementary nucleotide overcame the displacement, resulting in a complex resembling the matched terminus. The results are consistent with the observed reduction in k pol in mispaired primer extension being due to the position of the enzyme at a mismatched terminus. Our work shows the influence of the stabilizing interactions of Lys65 with the incoming dNTP on two different aspects of polymerase fidelity.

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