
K2K is the first accelerator experiment to investigate neutrino oscillation in the Δm2 region of atmospheric neutrinos. The observed energy dependent disappearance of νµ leads, with a preliminary analysis of the full statistics, to the determination of sin22θ = 1.19±0.23 and Δm2 = (2.55±0.40)×10−3 eV2. The T2K experiment, follow-up of K2K, will start data taking in 2009. T2K will use the new high intensity muon neutrino beam now under construction at JPARC. Neutrino interactions will be detected, as for K2K, in SuperKamiokande at a distance of 295 km. Main goals of the experiment are a high sensitivity search for νe appearance and a study of νµ with precision δ(Δm223) ∼ 1 × 10−4eV2 and δ(sin22θ23) ∼ 0.01.

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