
Results are presented onK+p andK−p elastic scattering at 32.1 GeV/c in the |t| interval 0.06–1.4 GeV2. The samples contain approximately 15,000 events each and are obtained in the MIRABELLE bubble chamber at the Serpukhov accelerator. The |t| distributions are parametrized by quadratic exponential formsdσ/dt=A exp (bt+ct2). The total elastic cross sections, obtained by integrating the fitted distributions, are (2.39±0.07) mb and (2.57±0.10) mb inK+p andK−p interactions, respectively. A cross-over between theK+p andK−p differential cross sections is found at |t c |=0.17±0.02 GeV2. The hypothesis of geometric scaling becomes valid somewhere between 32 and 70 GeV/c forK+p interactions, and is trivially verified forK−p scattering. Finally, an impact parameter analysis of the difference betweenK−p andK+p elastic amplitudes is presented.

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